My baby girl lost her first tooth today! She is SO excited for that tooth fairy she's been hearing about from her older brother to come tonight while she is asleep. She keeps asking me what she looks like and how big she is and what will happen if she wakes up and sees her...on and on and on! It is so sweet to listen to the innocence of a child and the thoughts that go on inside their sweet heads. They grow up so fast and this mommy was just thinking last night how I only have about 4 weeks left with just her and I and then her brother will be home for the summer and then they both go off to school together come fall......ugh, stab the knife in my heart now! Motherhood is SO bittersweet! It just doesn't seem right to spend all day with your child for 5-6yrs and then one day they go to school and are gone all day and you have no clue what they do all day and how they are acting and if they are ok....isn't that just cruel?! I would homeschool, trust me, I've thought about it for hours on end before my son went off to kindergarten 6yrs ago, but I figured I want to continue to love my children and enjoy them....neither child likes to learn from me.... and well, we would fight and butt heads all day if I homeschooled them. So, to save each of our sanity I will let trained professionals who know how to teach 20 kids and not lose their minds teach them.....teachers truly are amazing!

I had a thoughtful friend make supper for our family tonight after the loss of my husband's sister. It was so nice to not have to worry about supper tonight, or dessert! Then my dear elderly neighbor just brought over meatballs for a supper and donuts and juice for breakfast....people are so thoughtful and it is such a blessing to have friends.
My 1yr old Forsythia bush...I'm so excited it got so big! |
1 comment:
Congrats to Brooke! Anna is still waiting -- not even a loose one.
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